
  1. Fundraise like it’s a full time job.

You have to work 8 hours per day before and during your campaign. Thus will make it that much more likely to succeed.

2. Make a good description page.

Try to be clear, do not put too many elements.
Don't forgot to explain: how the game works, which components will be included, the language edition (Italian, English, Multilingual, etc), how you think to make the game, and where it will be printed. Put there the images available: components and game box. You can also add external contents (picture and video). Attention: maximal width is 400 points.

Make Italian and English version of the page: it helps to find users in all Europe. If you is able to do it, do the same with French and Spanish page.

3. Shoot an exceptional video.

Show your game and explain how it works.
Tell us who you are. Tell us the story behind your project. Where'd you get the idea? How are you feeling about it?
Come out and ask for people's support, explaining why you need it and what you'll do with their money.
Thank everyone!

If you made a good work, the video should be interesting also for people not involved in the game universe.

4. Design a simple, well-thought-out rewards system.

Many projects make the mistake of having too many rewards or too complicated of a structure: be simple. The expansions, bonus, special pack offered with each reward must be clear and easy to understand.

5. Make a complete profile page (Account section).

Explain who you are, what do you do in your life, put a your good picture, insert your personal contacts(email, facebook, twitter, ecc.) and try to be always available. If you are know by some famous gamers, let him to introduce you.
You have to gain the confidence of all.

6. The Money Objective.

Once you have a clearly defined project, it should be relatively straightforward to define a objective goal. Take into account the following: graphic design and illustrations, production, manufacturing, labor, packaging and shipping costs. Go in some printing companies to ask quotes, do the same with Courier companies or ask to your Postal Office. Ask to Giochistarter to revise your calculation and some advises about it.
Don’t set the bar unreasonably high or people will think is useless to join on your project.

7. Engage your local community.

Show your project in your local game club. Make a special day/night to promote it. Engage friends and gamers to help you to promote.

8. Find game blogs and forum that will help you spread the word.

Before start the campaign you have to spread the news more as possible. Write to game bloggers and ask for an interview to show your game. Write on game forum to inform about your project. Be open to discuss about it and to take any suggestion to improve the game and the campaign.
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