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of 30000 euro required

6809 euro
74 participants

24874 euro
388 participants

41521 euro
582 participants

Warning: only the orders paid before the campaign end determine the total amount collected by the campaign.

Project by
Inmedia Srl (
Via Igino Giordani 18
Roma (RM), Italy
your image

This Pack was available to 79.00€

Calbildo Super Early
Available on shipment or with pick up on Roma & Modena Fair & Essen Fair

You will receive 1 copy of Trinidad Deluxe + all unlocked stretch goals.

This reward is limited in the number of available pieces and 1 copy per user.

      sold out

This Pack was available to 84.00€

Cabildo Early
Available on shipment or with pick up on Roma & Modena Fair & Essen Fair

You will receive 1 copy of Trinidad Deluxe + all unlocked stretch goals. This reward will only be active for a limited period and 1 copy per user.


This Pack was available to 89.00€

Available on shipment or with pick up on Roma & Modena Fair & Essen Fair

You will receive 1 copy of Trinidad Deluxe + all unlocked stretch goals.


This Pack was available to 149.00€

Available on shipment or with pick up on Roma

You will receive 1 copy of Trinidad Deluxe + all unlocked stretch goals.

      sold out

This Pack is only for retailers

Available on shipment or with pick up on Roma & Modena Fair & Essen Fair

Login with your retailer account to see this offer.

This project offers discounts for multiple purchases. For example, by buying 3 equal rewards you get a 10% discount. The discount is automatically applied to the cart. Get Them!


A list of products related to the current campaign. These products contribute to the total amount collected.
Proteggi le tue carte! Sleeve your cards!
Two pefect sleevs packs, the best sleeves in the world, to proctect your Trinidad cards.

2.95 euro

Risorse personalizzate! Custom Resources!
117 custom miniatures game resources: this set icludes 45 stone resources, 45 wood resources, 15 refined resources, and 12 metal resources. After the campagn the MSRP will be 25 euros.

14.95 euro

Collector edition pack!
Get the Collector edition of Trinidad! You will receive the game with this exclusive cover that you can only purchase now. This special edition also includes custom resources, the collector\'s certificate with the progressive box number and the autograph of the author.

25 euro


Stretch-goals are additions or improvements that will be included to the game if the campaign collects a specific minimal amount: more people will join the campaign and more beautiful and rich the game will be!
1000 backers: SUPER STRETCH-GOAL!!!! Pirates addon will be included with your Trinidad game copy for free. This addon includes 10 miniatures: 4 Captains and 6 Crewmates.

32000: NEW CHARACTER. A new character and his 5 affiliate cards will be added to your pledge! The Noblewoman is a great politician and will try to control the City Council!

34000: DOUBLE SIDED COINS. Game metal coins will have two different faces for a total realistic taste!

36000: NEW EXPANSION. Event card expansion will be included in your pledge. New 9 cards which add general Events to the game, increasing its variability.

38000: PIRATES! A great addon will be available to backers: 10 new miniatures, 4 Captains, and 6 Crewmates, for 15 euro. This is an aesthetic improvement: You can use these minis instead of the game miniatures when wars happen against Pirates.

40000: IMPROVED CARDS. Game cards will receive a wonderful linen texture for better quality and feeling to your touch.
42000: CRAVEN TOKENS. 5 new tokens for Craven players! You can use them to mark players which do not join the City defense in War.

44000: SILK SCREENED TOKENS. Players' workers tokens will be silk-screened with the Spanish family symbol. That will help players to distinguish them and the final look will be wonderful!

46000: CITY COUNCIL AID. A new useful board will be included in the game. It will show the available laws in City Council. This will help the legislator player to make his choice during the Vote.
48000: VOTE MARKERS. It will be added new useful tokens to use in the City Council voting procedures instead of resource cubes.

50000: MEEPLE MONUMENT. A new nice miniature will be added to your pledge: the Meeple Statue. You will able to use it to make the Monument Building instead of the normal game Statue. A celebration of boardgames world!

52000: IMPROVED THICKNESS. Punched board thickness will be improved to more than 2mm. This will make the boards much more strong and durable.
54000: PEACE MEEPLES. New 3 meeple tokens to use during the game to mark “peace” Decades on the mainboard instead of normal white cubes.

56000: SILK SCREENED ROAD TOKENS. Roads tokens will be silk-screened. That will help players to distinguish them between all tokens and the final look will be fantastic!

58000: VP TOKENS. Some new useful tokens to use in the main board to mark the players' Victory points when they complete more times the VP track.

60000: BOX & BOARD IMPROVED. Box and board will have a fantastic linen texture and lamination. This will improve a lot the feeling to your touch and the resistance of the cardboard.
62000: PENALTY TOKENS. 14 new penalty tokens will be included in the game. You will able to use them to mark the penalized buildings after a war.

64000: SILK-SCREENED CITY COUNCIL TOKENS. City Council tokens will be silk-screened. That will help players to distinguish them between other tokens and the final look will be fantastic!

66000: PLASTIC TRAY. The game will have a fantastic game tray, which allows you to keep all pieces in order and safe (in the picture there is our Medioevo tray, as an example).

68000: SOLO MODE. The Solo mode will be included too! Some special rules and new cards will allow the player to manage AI in the game.

GS Stretch-goals

5000: Tutti i partecipanti italiani alla campagna su GS riceveranno il kit italiano gratuitamente (regolamento, player aid e carte da gioco in italiano). Se la campagna dovesse avere un particolare successo tra gli italiani potrebbe essere realizzata la versione italiana. In questo caso i partecipanti italiani riceveranno questa versione

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This campain is ended, you can still buy it a copy of Trinidad Deluxe on the product page.

Open the CONTEST page     126 participants

1580, South America: a new Spanish colony born on the ashes of the previous settlement. The difficulties are many: the natives who try to repel the invader, the laking of resources, the English Corsairs who threaten destruction. Will you succeed in the challenge?

Trinidad is the latest game by Michele Quondam (Medioevo Universale GX, Virus, Romolo o Remo, Gladiatori, and many more), famous for creating strategic games for "heavy game" fans, as some would say. Trinidad is no exception, and it is a game for 1-5 players which lasts about 30-40 min per player. The illustrations of the game are made by Fabio Porfidia and the miniatures models by Kieran Russell.

This campaign includes the Giochix Treasure Contest, which allows you to win great games and will declare the King among the gamers. Will it be you?
See the dedicated section below for more info.

By participating in this campaign you'll help realize this beautiful board game and will receive a copy of Trinidad Deluxe English edition. Here is also possible to pay the pledge with Paypal in 4 installments with zero interest!

We will try to make the Language packs for other languages (for example for Spanish or Dutch), if the campaign will have at least 100 backers of that language. They will be available as Addon for a cheap price.

The addons will be available during the pledge manager

Trinidad Deluxe version will be a Limited Edition. It will be available after the campaign in a limited number of copies and will not have a regular distribution in shops. It will be really difficult to find it: don't miss it now.

Note: Trinidad Deluxe metal coins will have a different design of the one shown above, but they will be with the same colors and metal effect (image shows our DVE coins).

Stretch goals are visible on the left column of the page. 

Personal Stretch goal
Share the project page on Social Media channels and get points for each person who will click on your share. The points acquired will allow you to earn 1 to 3 stars.

  • With the first star, you will be honorably mentioned in the acknowledgments of the English game’s rulebook.
  • With the second star, you will also get the sleeves set (Giochix Perfect sleeves, 120 microns) to protect your Trinidad cards.
  • With the third star, you will also get a 10 euro voucher valid on our website for 6 months!

Last but not least, by participating in the Personal Improvement you will help the Trinidad Deluxe project be successful!

Important: Log in and then share the page by clicking one of the buttons above. Don't forget to login first or you won't get any points! It is necessary to join in the project to obtain the expected prizes.
The shares made will be verified in order to identify any improper and incorrect uses. Any suspicious sharing will be deleted at our sole discretion. The prizes will be awarded after the end of the campaign.

Michele's desk (the designer) as he prepares the prototype for the Dice Tower's video.

In Trinidad, the players are the heads of the Spanish colonial families who founded the Ciudad de la Santisima Trinidad in 1580 (which later became known as Buenos Aires). They will have to develop the starting settlement, by building buildings like houses and palaces, stonecutters, markets, churches, and many more, while making the city look beautiful with squares, fountains, and monuments.
They will have to use their workers as best as they can, choosing carefully where to send them, and also use their characters and affiliates to make the most powerful combos. Furthermore, they will have to work hard to keep good relations with the natives, however hard that may seem, or prepare for a brutal war! And they cannot forget about the English Corsairs, who are only waiting for the right moment to raid the city, as soon as it has become wealthy enough...
After a first difficult colonization phase, the settlement will start looking like a city, and the players will be able to cooperate to build imposing buildings like the Cathedral, the Harbor, the Governor's Palace and the majestic central Fort, and important things like Roads and City Walls.

Are you ready for this challenge?

Designer's note:

This game wants to celebrate the birth and development of a grand city, Buenos Aires. It is a very special city for me, as it’s where I met Paula, my wife.
The adversities that characterized the birth of Buenos Aires were exceptional, so much so that it was founded twice. It is a fascinating story, almost unbelievable, which like all stories has some dark and light aspects. Buenos Aires, like hundreds of other cities in the world, was founded during the Spanish colonial expansion in the XVI century. It was a dark period in the history of humanity, especially in South America, and this game in no way wants to celebrate it or endorse it. Trinidad is about construction, not destruction, and it wants to intrigue its players with its strategy and growing complexity.

I hope you will play it, have fun, and be passionate about it!

A game of Trinidad is played over 12 decades, from 1580 to 1690. During these turns, the players will build the city and defend it against attacks by outsiders. The Victory Points represent the glory of each player's family and will be gained in several different ways. Contributing to building the city gives VPs, as do building your own houses and palaces in worthy neighborhoods. Affiliates will also be worth VPs, as will coins, influence with the City Council, and fighting well during a War.

The player board is used to manage most of the player actions, placing the workers in the work areas.

During each decade in the game the players will be able to choose many different actions: from gathering resources to building buildings, recruiting affiliates, trading, influencing the city's politics, and fighting if there is a war.

Every 4 decades there is a scoring phase, where points will be awarded.

Build Buildings
By spending the relative number of workers and resources, you may build a building. Place the corresponding miniature on the map (and sometimes gain VPs). For example, you may build a simple house by spending 2 workers, or a Palace, by spending 3 workers, 3 wood and 3 stone resources!

Houses and Palaces are the core buildings of the city, and allow players to gain renown and points from the neighborhood they are placed in. You may also build several other buildings, like ones to gather resources, or churches, barracks, square, fountains, and so on.

Use Buildings
Buildings on the map have effects that can be used by any player who owns a house or palace adjacent to them. To use a building, place one or more workers in the corresponding space of your player mat. Some buildings give resources, others allow to sell them, or to gain VPs, recruit soldiers, and so on.

Using workers on the Carpenter's building allows you to gather wood or to transform it into refined resources. The same happens with the Stonecutter, but with stone. Either building may be upgraded to a Hacienda, making it easier to produce refined resources.

The Market allows you to buy and sell resources. Gathering coins will allow you to pay for more affiliates and to gain VPs during a scoring phase, but be careful, as it might also make you be noticed by the Corsairs! The Market can be upgraded to a Corporation, making it much more powerful.

The Barracks allows you to recruit soldiers, who will be essential for the defense of the city and, if you win the wars, will allow you to gain glory and VPs.

The Church, if adequately bribed, will give your social status a nice lift, granting you several VPs.

Squares, with Monuments or Fountains, are that special something that makes a neighborhood shine above the rest, and also makes it worth more VPs.

Major Buildings
These buildings require a high number of workers, higher than the ones available to a single player, to be built, making it necessary to collaborate with other players. Whoever manages to build one, by using promises, threats, or trading, will get both VPs and benefits.

  • The Fort will make the player soldiers more powerful, making it easier to survive enemy attacks.
  • The Cathedral will make the Peace last longer, and it will strengthen the power of the Churches.
  • The Harbor will make it easier to send resources to Spain, by increasing the number of resources that can be sent, and the VPs received for doing so.
  • The Governor's Palace (Cabildo) will give free workers that can be used to build the major buildings and will increase the amount of VPs gained for affiliates.

Characters and Affiliates
At the beginning of the game, each player receives a character card and during the game he can hire numerous affiliates! Each affiliate card performs multiple functions: it is worth victory points, it has one effect to be used during the war and one during the game.

Getting the best combinations and exploiting them at the right time will make the difference between victory and defeat!

Ship to Spain
During the game, players can load resources onto the ship which will sail to Spain at regular intervals. Upon its return, it will provide metal and victory points to those who contributed. Space on the ship is limited, so you better hurry or you will have to wait for the next one!

When the tension with Indios or pirates reaches its limit, a war will break out! During the following game turn, players will have to deploy their troops, whether they are simple workers or veteran soldiers, and help them with affiliates to defeat the attackers and protect their neighborhoods in the city! The war takes place on the appropriate board during the normal game turn.

End of the game and beta rulebook
The player who has scored the most points within the last decade will be the winner of the game! Thanks to the many options to score points, there will never be a dominant strategy and every game will be unique!

If you are curious to see in more detail how the game works, here is the beta rulebook.

Trinidad allows players to modulate the complexity and duration of the game. You can play simpler and faster games at the beginning and gradually add the elements you prefer.
It is possible to choose the duration of the game (8 or 12 game turns), whether or not to use the game modules of the City Council and / or the War.

Similarly, Trinidad scales efficiently according to the number of players: many parameters are influenced, such as the available pieces, the number of cards, the number of resources, coins, the size of the buildings' grids, war difficult, etc.

3D printed prototype.

I started to work on Rio de la Plata 2 years ago with the idea di improve it and to make a new game edition. But after several months, the differences between the two games was so important that I started to consider them two distinct games.

In Trinidad there are several important aspects which are totally new:
- Action cards
- City Council
- Characters
- War system
- VP system

Besides that, there are many other small variations.
Obviously the two games share the theme and the story. Also, the map of the game board is very similar since it recalls the real historical map. Of course, there are things in common. As Trinidad comes from Rio de la Plata, that's natural: the adjacency concept for buildings activation and construction and the common Major building system are very similar, as the concept of trading with Spain.

Another important thing is that Trinidad is modular: you can choose to use or not the War and/or City Council modules, and change the game duration. In this way, you can increase the game length and difficult or keep it faster and simpler.

Last, I'm working on Solo player for Trinidad, so it will be (probably) 1-5 players, and this will be another important difference :-)

I hope to have kept the best things of Rio de la Plata and that you all will enjoy the many new mechanicals of the game!

Michele Quondam

We are pleased to announce that we have an international print partner to produce French localized language versions of Trinidad Deluxe:

Philibert, French edition. This version is available on Philibert website only.
Philibert a l'immense plaisir de vous proposer une version française de Trinidad Deluxe en partenariat avec Giochix. Vous pouvez le commander directement pendant la durée de la campagne sur notre boutique en ligne et bénéficier ainsi de l'ensemble des stretch goals débloqués.

The Giochix Treasure Contest is active during this campaign: you can win the latest Giochix board games, including the 2020-2021 games, which are still not published!
The competition includes a series of questions available here on the giochistarter website. The questions will test your ability to recognize board games and your knowledge of Trinidad game.

Everyone who answers the questions correctly will win one of the Giochix Treasure games! Each of the participants will have two jokers at their disposal, this means that the first two mistakes will be ignored.

The one who will answer best of all will be the King among the gamers. The King will win two games instead of one. Will it be you?

What will be available in the Treasure depends on the number of participants in the Trinidad Deluxe campaign (both GS and KS backers count), as indicated in the table below:

less than 400 backers the treasure is still empty. Help us advertise the campaign!
400-599 backers the treasure will include Vital Lacerda's CO2 Second Chance game!
600-899 backers the treasure will also include Mario Papini's De Vulgari Eloquentia Deluxe game!
900-1299 backers the treasure will also include Frutticola by Virginio Gigli and Giovanni Fiore.
1300-1599 backers the treasure will also include the Perfect Sleeve Game Pack: 25 sleeve packs Giochix perfect 120 microns (50 sleeves each): 6 packs 63.5x88mm, 3 packs 56x87mm and 58x89mm, 2 packs 41x63mm and 45x68mm, 1 pack each 43x65mm, 54x86mm, 59x92mm, 61x112mm, 65x100mm, 70x70mm, 80x80mm, 70x120mm, and 80x120mm.
1600+ backers the treasure will include also Simone Cerruti Sola's Città-Stato game.

How to join. This contest is open to all backers of the Trinidad Deluxe campaign (both from KS and GS). To be considered participants you must pledge a reward among those available.
Log in on and then answer the contest questions.
How to win. The King of gamers and all those who answer all the questions correctly will win. Two wrong questions will be ignored. So you can win also with 1 or 2 mistakes. 
The King of gamers. The player with the highest number of right answers will be declared the King of the gamers (with the same score, the one who replied the fastest will be the King). The King will win 2 of the games available in the Treasury. 
Prizes. If you are among the winners you will be able to have one game for free among those available in the Giochix treasure. The choice of the game will take place during the Pledge Manager.
The final number of participants in the Trinidad Deluxe campaign (both on KS and on GS) will define which games will be available in the Treasure (see table above). With less than 400 backers there will no prizes available!
The games are all in English edition, but it will be possible to ask for the corresponding copy in Italian or German after the pledge manager has concluded, if available.
The prize pool of the Contest is gigantic: if unlocked, each game will be available in a large number of copies: up to 500 copies of CO2 Second Chance, up to 500 copies of De Vulgari Eloquentia Deluxe, up to 300 Perfect Sleeve Game Packs and an unlimited number of copies of Frutticola and Città-Stato, given that both have yet to be printed.
Start/End of the Contest. The first questions of the contest are already available, and every day some new ones will be revealed until the end of the campaign. The contest will end the 25 June 2020.
Shipping cost: The addition of a free game (or the free sleeves pack) causes an increase in the shipping cost. This cost will be charged to you and it's 40% of the shipping cost for a Trinidad Deluxe game copy. So, for example, in you live in the US the additional shipping cost will be +9 euros.
Note for KS backers: This contest is also open to participants in the KS campaign. You have to register on the GS website. Since the pledge manager will also take place on, we suggest you create an account using the same email you are using on KS. This will simplify your pledge manager and avoid creating duplicate accounts.

The contest borns from the desire to play together and to find an alternative way to support the current campaign. This is the right spirit! Complaints of any kind regarding the Contest or its results will not be accepted. Have fun!

The project will be active simultaneously on two crowdfunding platforms: Giochistarter and Kickstarter.

The game, stretch goals, and add-ons will be the same on both platforms, but on KS will be available the English version only. The total of the funds reached, which determines the unlocked improvements, will be represented by the sum of the funds raised by both campaigns. This sum will be automatically visible on Giochistarter in the upper left corner of the page.

You can join this campaign using different payment methods: credit card, Paypal, Bitcoin, Satispay, Sofort, or by paying by traditional bank transfer. On giochistarter it is also possible to pay with Paypal in 4 installments with zero interest.

This campaign includes two special offers, called "Early Bird". This is, in fact, the name used in the crowdfunding world to namer super offers which last for a limited period of time or for a limited quantity. These two offers, which are called "Cabildo Super Early Bird" and "Cabildo Early Bird", are however limited in the number of pieces available (only 50 pieces between KS and GS for Super Early Bird) or in the time for which they are active (only first campaign hours for the Cabildo Early Bird).

This option is only available to verified stores. Proof of status will be required; this is not available to group buys and/or clubs. Please note that Trinidad Deluxe is a limited edition and that this offer is the only way to get Trinidad Deluxe game in your store!

By pledging for the Market reward within the campaign end, you will gain access to the retailer pack during the pledge manager. After the campaign end, this opportunity will expire!

During the pledge manager, you will able to buy 1 or more retailer packs for 389 euros each (50% discount on MSRP, VAT not included, but VAT is not applicable out of Italy) and the available addons at campaign price. The 50 euro of the reward will be credited to that payment. A retailer pack is made by 6 copies of Trinidad Deluxe + all unlocked stretch goals. The final payment is due within March 2021!

The shipping cost for the retailer pack is included for the EU (except the UK), while 9 euros are due for USA, Norway, UK, and Switzerland; 19 euros cost for Canada or China; 29 euros to Japan, South Korea, or Australia; 39 euros for Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Taiwan. If your store is in a country not listed above, contact us directly to know the shipping fees.

Please note that your Market pledge will be used as credit on retailer pack payment, or, if you miss it, to improve the Trinidad Deluxe game. It will not be refunded.

It will be possible to collect your copy of Trinidad Deluxe for free at the Giochix Shop in Rome (Via Igino Giordani 18), and, if available in time, at our stand at the Essen Fair (German, October 2021), Play Fair (Italy, April 2021) and, probably, also at the UKExpo (May 2021, this is under definition).

The shipment of a single game in Italy costs about 8 Euros. For other countries, shipping costs are shown by the site during the finalization of the cart.

Considering the cheapest solution the approximate shipping cost of 1 copy of Trinidad Deluxe is:

The games will be shipped in April-July 2021 or as soon as available. As the coronavirus pandemic is still ongoing, the scheduled dates may change in the event of a worsening of the situation.

Pledge Manager
The Pledge Manager will be active after the campaign end. It is a special area of our site, where you can review and modify your purchase after the campaign, add other games or addons. When you make these additions to your order, you will find the same campaign prices.

Michele, Fabrizio, Federico, and Chiara, a small group of crazy board game enthusiasts! This is Giochix!

We live in Rome, Italy. We love how board games and role-playing games bring people around the table, giving every player their own space to find their way to win. We love to create something new, bringing passion and fun to other people. Developing games is the most interesting thing: exploring new ways to play and think while having fun is just fantastic!

We have published many games for more than ten years now, always trying to do the next one better than the last! We have done games like Frutticola, De Vulgari Eloquentia Deluxe, Co2 Second Chance, Auztralia, Teotihuacan, Medioevo Universale, Altiplano,  Samhain, Tales of the Arabian Nights, Principi del Rinascimento, Virus, Race for the Galaxy, Fief, Mare Nostrum, Kanban, Tesla vs Edison, Tiny Epic Kingdoms, VEC, Bomarzo, The Foreign King, Historia, CO2, Romolo o Remo, De Vulgari Eloquentia. 

We also produce game accessories like card sleeves and metal coins.

Check our website!
Availability. You must take into consideration that the shipment date is indicative. We will do our best to respect such a date, but delays may occur for reasons beyond our control, such as production delays, transport, or Customs issues. Please note that it's a shipment date, not a delivery date. Delivery timing depends on where you live and the shipment method selected. 
Communications. Please use the contact form on our website for any request or question. 
Components. Contents, images, and illustrations must be considered merely indicative of the final product and may be subject to change without notice.
Fairs. If you choose to pick up your game at a Fair and the game is unavailable, the Fair is delayed/canceled, Giochix participation is canceled, or if you miss picking it up, you must change your shipping method. This is possible by clicking the "Change shipment" button on your order page on our website. In that case, you will have to pay the shipping costs. 
Please note that the game's shipment can be scheduled close to a Game Fair, such as Essen Fair in Germany or Lucca Comics and Games in Italy. It is important to note that we will be showing/selling the game at these fairs independently of the campaign shipment status. Attending these fairs is vital to the game's chances of success.

Pickup in Rome. If you choose the option for pickup in Rome, you must collect your order within 90 days of its availability: after this date, the availability of the products will no longer be guaranteed. All not collected orders will have to pay the storage cost of 1 euro/kg of product (or its fractions) every 30 days for the first 12 months and 2 euro/kg of product every 30 days after the first 12 months. This cost is not due if the order is collected within 90 days of product availability. After 24 months from product availability, all not collected orders will be wasted.
Order Canceling. An order can be canceled and fully refunded before the campaign's end by clicking the specific button on the order page. After the end of the campaign, the order can still be canceled and fully refunded within 7 days, with the campaign ending by sending us an email with the specific request. Please note that Paypal doesn't refund transaction costs, so if the consumer uses Paypal, the refund will not include these costs.
After this period, the order can still be canceled within 15 days of the campaign ending date, but please note that in this case, the refund will not include the processing costs and will be limited to 90% of the amount paid. Besides these options, the order is considered valid and is not cancelable/refundable. 

After 24 months from product availability, all unprocessed or uncompleted orders, no matter the reason, will be wasted.
We reserve to our sole discretion the right to exclude from the campaign (canceling and refunding the pledge) those who have been banned from using Kickstarter and/or other crowdfunding platforms, which have been reported as fraudulent users by Paypal or by a credit card provider (like Mangopay), which use a "fake" account, which use the platform as spammers, which have missing payments, or who have or have had dishonest, unbecoming and/or defamatory conduct.

Complaints deadline. We will no longer accept complaints about this campaign's products after 12 months from the game's availability date, which is the date of the first shipment. For any shipping-related problems, complaints must reach us within seven days of delivery.
Shipments. We ship by postal service or supported courier (UPS, GLS, SDA, DHL, etc.). We reserve the right to separate the contents of orders into different shipments or merge different orders in the same shipment. If this happens, there will be no additional costs to you as a customer nor the right to any refund.
Tracking. Shipments made by courier or by the insured postal service can be tracked. Shipments made by the postal service cannot be traced, and although they happen very rarely (0.1-1% of cases), they can be lost.
Timing. Courier shipments may take about 1-2 days for Italy, 3-6 days for EU/US/Canada, and 1-2 weeks for the rest of the world. Postal service shipments require about 1-2 weeks for Italy, 3-10 weeks for EU/US/Canada, and 4-14 weeks for the rest of the world. Please note that the postal service can be slow and may suffer several weeks of additional delay, especially near or during the holidays, like Christmas. This rarely happens, but it is still possible and is out of our control. If you would like faster delivery or wish to avoid any risk of a long delay in the package's arrival, please use a courier service.
Insurance. Courier shipment assurance ensures package loss, destruction, and package damage. Postal service insurance ensures package loss or destruction. Insurance requires a customer claim to be made when the package is delivered: if you spot any damage, please ask the postal carrier to make you a receipt "accepted with reserve". Then inform us immediately, no later than 7 days from the delivery of the package.

Claims. Claims for lost/not received packages must be made within 120 days of the shipment date. Claims for damaged or missing packages must be sent within seven days from receipt of the package. After these deadlines, claims are not accepted. We use very good package protection and in this way, damages to the games during transport rarely happen. Please note that we don't accept claims for aesthetical damages to the box in this unlucky case but only claims for damages that influence the gameplay. 

Errors. If the game failed to arrive because of your mistake (wrong address, recipient absent, not picking up at courier/postal warehouse, etc.), you will have to pay an additional shipping/warehousing cost for us to re-send/re-deliver your game. This cost will also include the return costs of the game. On the other hand, we will send it again to you at our expense if the error is ours. If the package is lost or destroyed, we will reship it at our expense only if it is insured. In this case, it will be the customer's responsibility to choose a second shipment, a safer or more reliable method if the first one did not work, and to pay any difference in cost, if any. The choice of non-traceable shipping methods for a second shipment will automatically exonerate us from any responsibility regarding the game's delivery. 
Please note that we will not reship any game without investigating what happened to the first shipment. This can be processed quickly through the courier service option but may require an additional 1-5 weeks through the postal service. 

Customs. Depending on your Country, Customs taxes and/or VAT may be added. If this happens, the transporter company could add a cost to the management of Customs. Please check your country's rules and regulations. Any additional tax, cost, or additional charge due to Customs will not be our responsibility and will be paid by the customer.
Please verify your country's rules and regulations if the project has a "friendly" symbol, like "US-friendly". This
 symbol is only an indication as rules can change at any moment. 

Shipping costs. Since the actual game shipment takes place several weeks/months after the campaign ends, the shipping costs are estimated. In the case that, in the meantime, the costs have increased, the customer will have to pay the difference between the amount paid and the actual cost. Otherwise, we will proceed with the shipment by changing the selected shipping category with a cheaper one, or, if not possible, we will stop the shipping process.
Pledge Manager. After a few weeks from the end of the campaign, the Pledge Manager will be active. This procedure allows participants to confirm and revise their orders, purchase add-ons, and update their profile/delivery address. The Pledge Manager will be up for a few days to a specific deadline. We strongly recommend all participants complete the pledge manager within the expiration date. If not, please consider that:
- Any special campaign price for addons expires with the Pledge Manager deadline. After that date, all addons will be available at a normal price.
- The shipping price may be higher.
- We will not be able to guarantee the availability of any exclusive content made in a limited quantity.
- We cannot guarantee the scheduled shipment date as a delay could happen.
- We will not be able to guarantee the pickup in Rome or at a Fair's Stand (if available in the project).
Users of Giochistarter can access the pledge manager by opening their order page. If a campaign has been run on this platform, other platforms' users will receive access data by email.
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