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of 40000 euro required

77446 euro
1004 participants

193139 euro
3150 participants

to unlock the next stretch-goal

Warning: only the orders paid before the campaign end determine the total amount collected by the campaign.

Project by
Inmedia Srl (
Via Igino Giordani 18
Roma (RM), Italy
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This Pack was available to 59.95€

A CO2 Second Chance game copy + all unlocked stretch-goals.

      sold out

This Pack was available to 65.00€

Renewal Energy
Receive one copy of CO2 Second Chance + all unlocked stretch-goals.


This Pack was available to 75.00€

Designer Signed
Receive one copy of CO2 Second Chance numbered and signed by Vital Lacerda + all unlocked stretch-goals.

      sold out

This Pack is only for retailers

CO2 Shop pack
Login with your retailer account to see this offer.

This Pack is only for Giochix Point Clubs.

CO2 Giochix Point Pack
Login with your retailer account to see this offer.

This project offers discounts for multiple purchases. For example, by buying 3 equal rewards you get a 10% discount. The discount is automatically applied to the cart. Get Them!


A list of products related to the current campaign. These products contribute to the total amount collected.
Metal Coins
The 50 official metal coins of CO2: Second Chance.

14.95 euro

Two sleeves packs required to protect the CO2 game cards: 100 sleeves per pack and two formats: 63.5x88mm and 45x68mm size cards.

2.95 euro


Stretch-goals are additions or improvements that will be included to the game if the campaign collects a specific minimal amount: more people will join the campaign and more beautiful and rich the game will be!
50000: LIMITED: Two new Lobbist cards will be included in your game copy.

60000: LIMITED: A new 3D barrel-shaped marker will be included in your game copy. You will able to use it in your CO2 game instead of normal Operation Round counter.

70000: LIMITED: World Event Expansion will be included in your game copy! A global cataclysmic event that affects the entire planet! Will you be able to manage it?

80000: Game cards quality will be improved with a wonderful linen texture!

90000: LIMITED: A new 3D calendar-shaped marker will be included in your game copy. You will able to use it in your CO2 game instead of normal Decade counter.

105000: SOLO EXPANSION! New 12 goal cards, 2 markers and rules for solo player game.
120000: LIMITED: Two new Lobbist cards will be included in your game copy.

135000: Quality of contents improved! improved cardboard and box, UV coating, linen punchboards.
150000: LIMITED: A new 3D factory-shaped marker will be included in your game copy. You will able to use it in your competitive CO2 game instead of normal CO2 counter.

165000: LIMITED: A new 3D price marker will be included in your game copy. You will able to use it in your CO2 game instead of normal CO2 price counter.

185000: LIMITED: Two new Lobbist cards will be included in your game copy.

205000: LIMITED: The re-designed Arctic expansion!

225000: LIMITED: A new Big 3D factory-shaped marker will be included in your game copy. You will able to use it in your cooperative CO2 game instead of normal CO2 counter.

245000: LIMITED: 6 new huge tiles will be included in your game copy. They represent the SPECIAL PROJECTS EXPANSION, which changes the rules for projects, encouraging alternative strategies.

265000: LIMITED: Two new Lobbist cards will be included in your game copy.
285000: LIMITED: A new gas mask-shaped 3D marker will be included in your game copy. You will able to use it in your CO2 game instead of the normal First player counter.

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This campain is ended, you can still buy it a copy of CO2 second chance on You can login there with the same access info you use on Giochistarter and then purchase it.

The great boardgame of Vital Lacerda about green economy comes back in a new edition totally renovated.

We are very proud to introduce you to the campaign of the CO2: Second Chance, the new edition of the famous board game by Vital Lacerda. The game is for 2-4 players, lasts 90 minutes and its suggested age is 14+.

Joining this project here you will able to choose your game edition between the English, French, German, Italian, Spanish or Portuguese. 

CO2: Second Chance revises and enriches the original competitive game CO2 published in the 2012 and includes a brand-new cooperative game, in which the players have to collaborate to save the world, losing victory points each turn that they don't achieve their goals. 

This new and totally re-designed edition of CO2 will bring completely new iconography, an entirely new rulebook (with lots of 3D pictures for easier comprehension of the rules), more balanced gameplay, a new event deck, improved and streamlined mechanisms, a shorter length of play and upgraded wood components for the power plants (instead of cardboard tokens), while maintaining beautiful illustrations on the board and cover.

New 3D components. 

CO2: Second Chance also includes the original CO2 competitive mode in a revised and enriched format. So by joining this campaign, you will obtain two great games and not only one!

Environmental goals (cooperative mode).

This project is on two crowdfunding platforms simultaneously: Giochistarter and Kickstarter

The game is the same (as are the stretch goals) on both platforms. The total funds raised by the campaign (which will determine the stretch goals that will be unlocked) will be the sum of the amounts raised on both websites. This sum will be automatically shown on Giochistarter. In the upper-left of the page, you will be able to see the total number of the backers and the total funds pledged. 

It possible to join this campaign using your Credit card, Paypal, Bitcoins, Satispay, Sofort or bank wire transfer. Here on GS is also possible to pay by Paypal in 5 installments (zero interests) and it's possible to back the English, Italian, Spanish, German, French, Portuguese edition.

The game includes the following contents:

The game is available in several version: English, German, French, Italian, Portuguese or Spanish. You can specify your version during order finalization.

Some SG are marked as "LIMITED CONTENT". This means that the SG will be available for this campaign and during the official game launch only (like at the Essen fair). After that period, there are no plans to print anymore.

Share this project page on Socials with FB or Twitter buttons above and get points for each person who will click your share. The points acquired will allow you to earn from 1 to 3 stars. With the first star, you will get an EB Wild Card, with the second start you will get 5 points Fidelity bonus, with the third star you will get a discount coupon of 10 euro.
The EB Wild card will allow you to access an Early Bird of any Giochix campaign that will take place on giochistarter between here and a year without having to run! So you will have a privileged access.

Last but not least, participating in the Personal Stretch Goal will help the CO2 project: Second Chance!

Important: Login and then share the page with one of the buttons above. Don't forget to Login or you will not gain points!

Any shares will be verified in order to identify any improper and incorrect use. Any dubious sharing will be canceled at our sole discretion.

Official metal coins of CO2: Second chance are available as an addon for 14.95 euro:

The Global Events expansion can be used in the competitive game. This expansion is a cataclysmic event that affects the entire planet. Every region will require aid in response to the seriousness of the dire situation!

During the Events phase, if the Current Event or the Upcoming Event is the Global Event, you will resolve only the Global Event, and delay the other event until the next decade.

This expansion will drastically increase CO2 if players are not prepared. It also will penalize the least adapted players consuming their resources and CEPs.


Solo Expansion. The goal of the game is the same as the co-op version; however, you have an ongoing solo goal to accomplish and each round you may pollute to take a second main action. It’s also mandatory to use the UN variant.

The Arctic Expansion. The Arctic is especially vulnerable to the effects of global warming, as has become apparent in the melting sea ice in recent years. Climate models predict much greater warming in the Arctic than the global average.  

The  Arctic expansion is composed by 1 tile with the Arctic region, 1 Arctic event tile and 1 Goal card to the competitive version and, 1 Arctic environmental event tile and 1 Private Goal card to the co-op version.  

There is no limit to the number of plants that can be built there. The region enters play in the beginning at the Supply Energy Step of the 2nd Decade, and the CO2 pollution Increases the number of steps equal to current Decade number (2–5), minus the number of power plants built there so far.

This expansion gives you more goals to go after, a new region to play, and like the Global Event increases the difficulty level of the game by making it more challenging. Mixing both expansions leaves you with more options to higher replayability and different levels of difficulty.


Special Projects Expansion. This is an expansion of both the cooperative game and the competitive game, which changes the rules for projects, encouraging alternative strategies.  

The 6 Project tiles from the expansion are placed randomly atop the base game’s Project tiles, as shown in the illustration.  Whenever you Propose a Project in a Region, the Project tile must be placed on the leftmost empty Project space. 

Vital Lacerda: "I really love this expansion, it brings so much thinking in the co-op game and great tactics and opportunistic moves in the competitive version of the game. I’m crossing my fingers that this SG can be accomplished. You will love to play with it."

If CO2: Second Chance will reach at least 1000 fans on its Boardgame Geek page, all the participants in the campaign will obtain the limited tile "the Huge Coal factory". Players will be able to add this token to their plays. 


The Huge Coal Factory tile.

Thank you for your help to support the campaign!

  • Because it is one of the most intriguing games published in recent years, considered one of Vital Lacerda's masterpieces.
  • Because here you can buy it at a lower price. MSRP will be about 75-80€.
  • Because you will receive the game before normal distribution in stores.
  • Because this edition of CO2: Second Chance includes two games in one: the competitive one and the new cooperative mode.
  • Because the game components have been completely redesigned and include lots of new 3D tokens.
  • Because, thanks to the unlocked stretch goals, you will have extra components included in your game ("limited" stretch goals will be not included in the retail version, but will require an additional purchase). 
  • Because you can pick it up for free at our stand of the Essen Fair 2018.
  • Because with the Fidelity Program, for every purchase made on Giochistarter, you can get/increase a permanent discount linked to your account.

When you click the reward to buy the game on the left column, your chart will appear. By clicking on the "Continue" button you will be able to specify the game version: English, Italian, German, French, Portuguese or Spanish. Please note that depending on numbers of backers of each version, it could be possible that some versions will be grouped in a single version (for example, a German-Italian version).

The signed and numbered version of the game will include a numbered sticker signed by the designer, which backers will be able to apply to their game box (or to keep it).

Red player board.

In CO2: Second Chance, each player manages an energy company that responds to government requests for new, clean power plants. The goal of the players is stopping the increase of pollution while meeting the demand for sustainable energy. You will need enough expertise, money, and resources to build "green" power plants. Energy summits will promote global awareness while allowing companies to share a little of their expertise and learn more from other societies.

In CO2: Second Chance you also will have the possibility to play TWO beautiful board games: in addition to the new version, in fact, you will enjoy the original CO2 game, enriched by the new updated components made for this title.

Board (cooperative side).

VIN D’JEU, French review.


In the 1970s, the governments of the world faced unprecedented demand for energy and polluting power plants were built everywhere in order to meet that demand. Year after year, the pollution they generate increases, and nobody has done anything to reduce it. Now, the impact of this pollution has become too great, and humanity starts to realize that we must meet our energy demands through clean sources of energy. Companies with expertise in clean, sustainable energy are called in to propose projects that will provide the required energy without polluting the environment. Regional governments are eager to fund these projects and to invest in their implementation.

If the pollution is not stopped, it will be  "Game Over" for all of us.

In CO2: Second Chance, each player is the CEO of an energy company responding to government requests for new, green power plants. The goal is to stop the increase of pollution while meeting the rising demand for sustainable energy — and of course, profiting from doing so. You will need enough expertise, money, and resources to build these clean power plants. Energy summits will promote global awareness, and allow companies to share a little of their expertise while learning still more from others.

Hydro and Forestation power plants.

A game of CO2: Second Chance lasts 4 or 5 decades; in each decade the player alternate taking a certain number of turns depending on the number of players.
During the game, the players must build and develop green power plants to supply the energy demands from all regions of the world. If there are not enough green power plants, the regions will build fossil fuel power plants to cover the energy gap, increasing global pollution.
If the pollution reaches 500 ppm, the game is over and all players lose the game.

To build a green power plant, three steps are involved (but a different player could perform each step!):

You propose a green energy project for a region, and in return, the region provides you with a grant. The region takes ownership of the project, which can be initiated by any player's company.

Wind power plant proposed in South America.


A new, modern, green power plant requires equally modern infrastructure to support it and to distribute its power. You prepare the infrastructure for a project, which provides you with immediate and long-term benefits, and lays the groundwork to build the power plant.

The red player prepares the infrastructures for the power plant.

Built upon prepared infrastructure, you finally construct the green power plant proposed by the project.

Now the wind power plant is built.

In order to build better power plants, you must increase your knowledge enough, specializing in hydropower, solar power, or another type of eco-friendly energy source
One way to gain knowledge is by making your scientists study proposed projects; another way is by having them participating in summits on green energy.

The more knowledge your company has, the more income (money or victory points) you get at the end of each turn. Another way to get money is to obtain control of the region by building more green power plants there than the other players.

In the competitive game, although all of the players will (hopefully) achieve the goal of saving the world from pollution, the player with the most victory points will win the game.

You may also play CO2: Second Chance in cooperative mode; in this mode, the players collaborate to save the world and lose victory points each turn that they don't achieve their goals. If they get negative points, or pollution reach 500 ppm, or some U.N. Objective are not completed, all players lose the game.

Hydropower plant.

  • Added cooperative mode, which is now the main game (but you still get the full competitive game, too!). 
  • New private goals to play the co-op version. 
  • Event goals were created for the co-op version. 
  • Different UN goal cards, and different point values. 
  • You can claim a UN goal card if you have the right infrastructure, while in the original you need the right power plants. 
  • The way summits give points has been altered a bit, but it works basically the same way. 
  • A few new endgame objective cards have been added, and some have been tweaked. 
  • Your scientist must leave the Project tile to get you knowledge. 
  • Scientists are no longer allowed in infrastructures. 
  • You can sacrifice a scientist to take a minor benefit from lobby cards that have already been played. 
  • Hiring a scientist gives you a “wild” knowledge point. 
  • No more payment to other players. When the scientist moves out, the scientist’s owner gets a knowledge point. 
  • Placing projects gives you a knowledge point. 
  • Building a plant costs a CEP. 
  • New goal cards. 
  • Events work a bit differently: They now cost a CEP as well, and if pollution is above 400 ppm, 2 events occur, instead of just 1. 
  • Added UN Inspectors Variant. 
  • One turn fewer per decade in both versions. 
  • One decade fewer in co-op. 
  • Spend points to reduce CO2 and pay for events. 
  • You lose if your points go below zero in co-op.

CO2: Second Chance is available on Tabletopia - the greatest online board game platform! This will allow you to try the game before purchasing it. The game is also available the on Ipads. Click the image below:

Hello everyone. I am Vital Lacerda, the designer of CO2. I was born in Lisbon 49 years ago, a city I adore and still live in with Sandra, my wife, and my two lovely daughters. I have a masters degree in Marketing and Advertising, and after working in advertising agencies for almost 15 years as an art director, I decided to try my luck as a freelance graphic designer. I've been working like this since 2007. At that same time, I also began designing board games, my true and great passion.

Most of all, I consider myself a gamer who had the luck of having a few publishers who believed in my games. I published Vinhos in 2010; CO2 two years later; Kanban in 2014, the Gallerist in 2015 and Lisboa last year. Two years ago I also did a major re-release of my first game Vinhos.

I have a tendency to design "thinking" games because those are the types of games I love to play. A big box game takes a lot of time to design, playtest and develop. So when I begin such an endeavor, I always look for a few characteristics that are fun for me in those type of games. They need to be challenging; they need to require deep thinking and difficult decision-making; they must allow great control, and they must involve intense competition and heavy strategy. Those are the games I love to play and design.

Solar power plant.

Here you can download the English rules, in PDF format: LINK.

Ian O'Toole is an Irish illustrator and graphic designer working out of Perth in Western Australia. CO2: Second Chance is his fourth collaboration with Vital Lacerda, following The Gallerist, Vinhos Deluxe, and Lisboa. He has over fifteen years' experience working in many creative fields, producing illustration, design and 3d animation.

The other artists involved in CO2: Second Chance are the same as the first edition: Paula Simonetti and Giacomo Tappainer. They have created an endearing graphic style, that contributed a lot to the great success of CO2 in 2012.

The game in progress.

It is possible to pick up your copy of CO2: Second Chance - free of charge - in our stand at Essen Fair (Booth 1C123, 25-28 October 2018 in Essen, Germany) or at our stand in Lucca Fair (31 October-4 November, Lucca, Italy) or at our pickup point in Rome.

The games will be shipped approximately in November 2018. 

Shipping cost will be shown after clicking the "Checkout” button on the cart. Retailers shipping cost depends on order size and is shown on the Shipping cost page. 

Please note that Brazil-friendly shipping option is available only for Portuguese game version.

Some examples of shipping cost of 1 copy of the game: 

Germany: 16.99 euro (2 copies 19.79 euro) 
France: 19.66 euro (2 copies 24.04 euro) 
Belgium: 16.19 euro (2 copies 18.39 euro) 
Sweden: 22.49 euro (2 copies 30.98 euro) 
Poland: 17.64 euro (2 copies 20.34 euro) 

UPS Access point option is also available in some EU cities for a cheaper price: 11.45 euro. Check it on the shipping page if that option is available for you.

USA: 14.95 euro (2 copies 22.95 euro)
Canada: 19.95 euro (2 copies 29.95 euro)
China/Japan/Singapore: 29.78 euro (2 copies 49.13 euro)
Australia: 37.27 euro (2 copies 59.98 euro)
Brazil: 29.95 euro (only for Portuguese version)

Ediciones MasQueOca will manage all shipments to Spain of Spanish language games. Meeple BR Jogos will manage all shipments to Brazil of the Portuguese language games (for Brazilian customers additional Giochix games will be shipped from Italy and will require a separate order).
France and Germany shipments of the French and German editions will be managed through our local distribution, while will directly manage the remaining shipments.

Michele, Federico, Emiliano and Sara, 4 crazy guys in love with board games. This is Giochix! A small publishing company, full of passion and initiative. We are in Rome, Italy.

We love how board games bring people around the same table, letting each player find their own way to play and to try to win. We love to create something new, to bring fun and passion to other people. Developing games is the most interesting part: exploring new ways to play and new ways to think while having fun is fantastic!

For nearly 10 years, we have realized many board games, trying to do better with each successive project! We made SamhainVirus, VEC, Bomarzo, The Foreign King, Historia, CO2, Romolo o Remo, De Vulgari Eloquentia  and, for the Italian market, Race for the Galaxy, Tales of the Arabian Nights, Princes of Renaissance, Fief, Mare Nostrum, Kanban, Tesla vs. Edison, Tiny Epic Kingdoms and many others. Check our website for more info: co-publish games with the largest companies on the market, like Stronghold Games, Ediciones MasQueOca, Gamelyn Games, Mercury Games, Gigamic, Rio Grande games, Z-man games and many others. Our products are known for great quality and we realized more than 45 board games. 

We worked together with the most important board game factories from all over the world. Among these are Ludofact, Cartamundi, Panda games, Longpack, NSF and many others. All of these companies are well known for the quality of their products. CO2: Second Chance will be produced in the same manner, with great attention to detail and materials, probably using one of the companies mentioned above.

Production. A distinction must be made between games that are printed by Giochix directly and those that are printed “indirectly” by another publisher.

In the first case, we have direct control over the entire printing process and we can intervene quickly to adjust for any potential issues where necessary.

In the second case, we may only interact with the publisher that prints the game, without any ability to make immediate changes during the production process.

This means that once the games are printed by us, the shipping date that we have indicated in the project will be a reasonably safe deadline. While we are confident in our abilities to meet the designated timing, unfortunately, delays are always a possibility and this must be taken into account. In the second case, for “indirect” games, the shipping date is purely indicative.

It can happen also that the deliveries suffer a delay for reason out of our control and this should be taken into account.

-> CO2: Second Chance is printed by, is a “direct” game.

Components. Game specifications and components are to be considered merely indicative of the final product and may be changed during final production.

Project pages. Sometimes there can be small variations between the pages of this project in the different languages. In that case, refer to the project’s English page.

Fairs. It is possible for the game's shipment to be scheduled to occur during a time frame close to a larger game fair, such as Essen Fair in Germany or Lucca Comics and Games in Italy. It is important to note that we will be showing/selling the game at these fairs independently of campaign participant shipment status. Attending these fair events is vital to the game's chances for success.

Order Canceling. An order can be canceled and fully refunded before the end of the campaign by clicking on the specific button on the order page. After the end of the campaign, the order can still be canceled within 15 days from the campaign ending date by sending us an e-mail with the specific request.
Please note that in this case the refund will not include the processing costs and will be limited to the 90% of the amount paid. Besides these options, the order is considered as valid and is not cancelable/refundable. 

Order Partially paid. Orders paid only partially will be awaiting full payment before being processed and shipped for a maximum of 6 months, after this period they will be thrown away.

Pledge Manager. After some weeks from the campaign end, Pledge Manager will be active. This procedure allows participants to confirm and revise their order, to purchase addons and to update their profile/delivery address. Pledge manager will be up for some days up to a specific deadline. We strongly recommend all participants to complete the pledge manager within the expiry date. If not, please consider that:

- Any campaign special price for addons expires with Pledge Manager deadline. After that date, all addon will available at normal price.
- We will not able to guarantee the availability of any exclusive content made in limited quantity.
- We will not able to guarantee the scheduled shipment date as a delay could happen.
- We will not able to guarantee the pickup in Rome or Stand (if available in the project).

Giochistarter users will be able to access to pledge manager simply opening their order page. Kickstarter users will receive the access info by email.

Shipments. We ship by postal service or by supported courier (UPS, GLS, SDA, DHL, etc.). We reserve the right to separate the contents of an order into different shipments or to merge the contents of different orders in the same shipment to improve the shipment's delivery speed and any required logistics management. If this happens, there will not be any additional costs to you as a customer (nor right to any refund).

Shipments made by courier or by insured postal service can be tracked. Shipments made by the postal service cannot be traced. 

Courier shipments may take about 1-2 days for Italy, 3-6 days for EU/US/Canada and 1-2 weeks for the rest of the world. Postal service shipments require about 1-2 weeks for Italy, 3-9 weeks for EU/US/Canada and 4-12 weeks for the rest of the world. Please note that the postal service can be slow and may suffer several weeks of additional delay, especially near or during holidays period, like Christmas. This happens very rarely but it is still a possibility and is out of our control. If you would like a faster delivery or wish to avoid any risk of a long delay in the arrival of the package, please use a courier service.

Courier shipment assurance insures against package loss, destruction, and package damage. Postal service insurance insures against package loss or destruction. Insurance requires a customer claim to be made when the package is delivered, not later: please ask the postal carrier to make you a receipt "accepted with reserve".

If the game failed to arrive because of your mistake (wrong address, recipient absent, not picking up at courier/postal warehouse, etc.), you will have to pay an additional shipping/warehousing cost for us to re-send/re-deliver your game. This cost will also include the return costs of the game. On the other hand, if the error is ours, we will send it again to you at our expense. If the package is lost or destroyed, we will reship it at our expense only if it was insured.

Important: Please note that we will not reship any game without first having investigated what happened to the first shipment. This can be processed quickly through the courier service option but may require an additional 1-5 weeks through the postal service. 
We will no longer accept complaints related to the shipments of items of this campaign (package damaged, lost or missing contents) after 6 months from the date of shipment.

If you live outside of the European Community, customs taxes may be added. This usually doesn't happen for boardgames; however, please check your country's rules and regulations as this aspect will not be our responsibility. 

Complaints deadline. We will no longer accept complaints about this campaign after 12 months from the date of availability of the games. (Ver19GS)


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