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of 5000 euro required

8023 euro
144 participants

8809 euro
165 participants

to unlock the next stretch-goal

Warning: only the orders paid before the campaign end determine the total amount collected by the campaign.

Project by
Inmedia Srl (
Via Igino Giordani 18
Roma (RM), Italy
your image

This Pack was available to 34.95€

Bomarzo Super Early Bird
It includes a Bomarzo game + all standard unlocked stretch-goals for a exceptional price.

      sold out

This Pack was available to 36.95€

Bomarzo Early Bird
It includes a Bomarzo game + all standard unlocked stretch-goals for a discounted price.

      sold out

This Pack was available to 38.95€

It includes a Bomarzo game + all standard unlocked stretch-goals.


This Pack was available to 105.00€

Bomarzo Pack
It includes x3 Bomarzo games + x3 all standard unlocked stretch-goals.


This Pack is only for retailers

Bomarzo Shop Pack
Login with your retailer account to see this offer.

This Pack is only for retailers

Bomarzo Shop Super Pack
Login with your retailer account to see this offer.

This project offers discounts for multiple purchases. For example, by buying 3 equal rewards you get a 10% discount. The discount is automatically applied to the cart. Get Them!


Stretch-goals are additions or improvements that will be included to the game if the campaign collects a specific minimal amount: more people will join the campaign and more beautiful and rich the game will be!
7500: All participants will receive the exclusive Divinity card "Pegasus". This card for collectors will not be available later or sold in shops.
10000: All game boxes will include also 4 cover cards. They are useful to diversify the cards hold in player hands from others.
12500: All participants will receive the exclusive Development card "Crooked House". This card for collectors will not be available later or sold in shops.
15000: All participants will receive the expansion "Worship".
17500: All deluxe participants will receive the exclusive Flame token to use it as Season token. It can be used instead of the normal wooden game token. This token will not be available later on shops.
20000: All participants will receive the expansion "Seasons".

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This campain is ended, you can still buy it a copy of Bomarzo on You can login there with the same access info you use on Giochistarter and then purchase it.

Open the CONTEST page

XVI century, Bomarzo: the vassals of the powerful Orsini House compete for supremacy in a Euro-game for 2-4 players, spiced up with an unsettling atmosphere and innovative mechanichs.

We are proud to show you the campaign for the making of Bomarzo: a strategic board game for 2-4 players, in which you will explore one of the biggest mistery of Italy of XVI century: the Bomarzo Sacred Grove. 

We will make a multilanguage version including Italian, English, French and German. Other languages could be available if the relative stretch-goals will be unlocked (see below).

This project is available at the same time on two crowdfunding platforms: Giochistarter and Kickstarter. You can use the website which you prefer, as the game version is the same for both. To define the total amount collected and the relative Stretch goals activated, you have to consider the sum of the amount reached by the two websites. This sum is automatically calculated on Giochistarter: in this page on the left corners you see the total number of participants and the sum collected in both websites.



Why join the campaign? 

  Because Bomarzo is a short Euro-gameeasy to learn.
  Because Bomarzo has a strategic depth ideal for the most skilled players
  Because Bomarzo is an innovative game with original mechanics as the auction-driven worker placement, the mimic interactive actions and variable VPs objectives.
   Because with the Fidelity Program, for each purchase made giochistarter allows you to gain/increase a permanent discount linked on your account. 
  Because your collaboration can help us make the game better and more interesting!
  Because here you can obtain the Deluxe game version which contains exclusive contents and expansions.
  Because here you can join to the "Faster Click" contest and win a The Foreign King game, if you will be the faster participant to join the campaign. 


Bomarzo Night!




«Voi che per mondo gite errando vaghi
di veder meraviglie alte et stupende
venite qua, dove son facce horrende,
elefanti, leoni, orchi et draghi»
«Tu ch'entri qua pon mente parte a parte e dimmi poi se tante maraviglie sien fatte per inganno o pur per arte»
«Thou who across the world roveth
in quest of splendors huge and wonderful,
come here, where faces there are dreadful
olde lions, elephants, dragons and ogres
«Thou, who come here be careful what you see and then tell me if these wonders were sculpted for deception or art»
So reads the notice the unwary visitors bump into Sacred Grove of Bomarzo!

In the XVI century Italy was the scene of wars and dynastic quarrels. In the Papal States, Pope Paul III knew he could count on the strength of the powerful Orsini family to oppose the power of his enemies, but where did it come so much strengh?  

In 1542 Pierfrancesco II Orsini, nicknamed Vicino, inherited the fief of Bomarzo, which elected to his residence, along with Collepiccolo, Castelvecchio, Montenero and Mompeo, that he conceded in feudal to his most deserving vassals. In 1547 Vicino Orsini commissioned one of the strangest architectural wonders of Italy: the Bomarzo Sacred Grove. In that park were masterfully carved huge mythological figures and strange buildings, wonderful and terrible at the same time. After that event the Orsini family power and fortune increased every year up to become one of the most powerful of Italy.

Why Vicino built that Park? It's rumored that Vicino Orsini owed his own fortune to the devotion shown to the strange gods of the Park and to the offers that he brought to them. If so, you will able to manage them as he done?


In Bomarzo you will have to delve into the mystery of the park, to propitiate the gods and obtain their favor. You’ll take the role of one of the feudal lords of the Orsini and you’ll manage one of the four minor fiefs: Collepiccolo, Castelvecchio, Montenero or Mompeo, trying to earn the esteem of your lord. If you’ll develop your fief in the best way you will prevail over your rivals. Do not forget the supernatural forces that dwell in Bomarzo: your existence and your achievement will be influenced by how you manage to turn in your advantage the will of the monsters of the park.

The game

Bomarzo is a strategic Euro game for 2-4 players, which lasts about 60 minutes. The short duration makes the player's choices even more decisive. The careful management of resources will allow you to easily take advantage of the power of the monstrous deity of the park.

Each turn you will be able to collect resources in your fief and ingratiate the deities of the park. The most important mechanicals of the game are the worker placements bound by auction and the mimic actions. The first let you choose an action symbolized by a divinity, but each divinity requires a specific offer to activate his action and you have to exceed any previous offers. The second allow you to play during the opponent turn copying his action if he doesn't prevent it.

To win in Bomarzo you have to find the best solution between many different ways to make victory points, from make the best developments in your fief, obtain the higher production and link your power to the most powerful divinity.



-> Beta English rulebook is available HERE.


How to play

The game lasts 2 years (8 seasons). In each season, first you collect income from your Village (coins, food, wine and cards) and then you take 2-5 actions, depending of you fief development. 

When you take an action, you have to pay a tribute to one of the deities of the grove for activate her action. Alternatively, you can harvest resources at your fief. 

The mimic actions mechanical allows you to play also during the opponent turn! You can repeat the current player action paying the same resources plus 2 wines without consume any action pawns. By this way you can perform more actions, paying higher costs. Be careful during the turn of the others, because it could be the opportunity to copy some of the opponents' moves.

Divinity cards are placed around the game board in random way.

Each divinity provide a specific action: can furnish resources or cards, can develop your fiefdom or can help you scoring VP at the game end. It requires a tribute of food or coins to be activated. You can always pay tributes with the wine, but if you serve it over a certain amount, the divinity, satisfied, go to sleep for the whole season and your opponents can not consult her. This strategic option is really important during the game.

The blue player chooses the Gigante (Giant) action placing his pawn over it. He must pay the Divinity tribute of 2 Food and 1 Coin resources (cubes). A next player, which want to do the same action in the same turn, must place 2 Food, 1 Coin + 1 another resource.


Divinity cards are double face: they have an active side and a moss-covered side. A deity is covered with moss when it is NOT invoked by any player for an entire season. When they are moss-covered are easier to tame and require lower or no tribute.



Each fiefdom is represented by a village board. There your situation is represented by 5 markers: workers, income of resources and cards. When the marker reach a specific symbol, the symbol is activated and you can gain the resource represented (or the action pawn).

Your fief is completed by the development card you are able to play. You can draw development cards by Genio action or gain it as income. Cards can be used as resource or played on the table. You can play it with Gigante, Elefante or Balena action depending on the card category (Character, Knowlegde, Building). They are first played as normal face (blue) and then eventually upgraded to yellow face. Both sides provide Culture, Architecture, Science points. Upgrade face provide also Building, Knowledge or Character points and a special ability.

These categories are linked each to a divinity: for example Genio is linked to Science and Tartaruga to Architecture. Depending on the position of the divinity at the game end the player with more points in a category will earn some victory points.

So the victory often depends on the ability to develop your fiefdom: more resources you have, more divinity you can influence. But beware you can not produce everything: you will need to balance your progress carefully, also according to the development of your opponents, choosing the right path to victory.

The Fief of the Red player and his played development cards, which represent fief improvements. As red cubes on board shown, the Red player is able to produce 1 Coin and 1 Wine resource.


The divinities are not only the source of your power, but will also act as strict judges at the end of the contest with your opponents. Each divinity rewards a particular aspect of the progress of fiefdoms: the first player (and, sometimes, the second) scores VPs. More advanced (leftmost around the board) is your divinity in the pantheon, most VPs you score; but beware: the dragon action is able to determine the final position of the gods!

The Red player chooses the Dragon action and pays 1 Food resource as tribute to activate it: the action allows the player to put a development card from his hand under a Divinity card. Each card so placed contributes a Devotion score to the Divinity as there is a value on the card. At the game end Divinities will be ordered following their Devotion score and will give VP following this order.


Standard Contents

1 Rulebook
1 Game Board

1 First Player token
1 Seasons marker
4 Player Sets: 4 Village Boards, 20 action pawns, 20 score markers, 20 worker indicators
75 resource cubes (30 coins cubes, 30 food cubes and 15 wine cubes)
8 Divinities cards
45 Development cards


Deluxe Contents

The deluxe edition includes all Standard Contents and 20 exclusive monk tokens, 5 for each player + all unlocked deluxe stretch-goals. Monks can be used instead of normal game player action pawns. All deluxe contents (monks and stretch-goals) are exclusive and will not be available later or sold in shops.

You can buy the Deluxe version clicking the Deluxe Addon on the left.

Personal Stretch-goal Prize

Bring another supporter on Bomarzo campaign and win the Bomarzo Stars and the Special Designer card! These are 3 wooden stars you can use in the game to mark the VP category winners and an additional game card signed by the author. By this way we want to say thank you to ppl which will help us to buzz the campaign.  

Rules: send us a personal msg on KS or with the contact form on with the name of your friend: if he pledged to Bomarzo after the 14-July you will gain the prizes! You have to write us name and last name (not the nickname). We will ask confirmation about you to your friend. The friend can confirm only 1 name. The friend cannot have unplegded Bomarzo after the 14-July. All info must be sent to us within shipment day.


A game for?

Bomarzo is a strategic Euro game with deep strategic levels. Gamers will love it. The original thematic makes it  ideal for the player who likes to dive in historical-mystery atmospheres. However, the simplicity of its rules (simplicity that does not affect the depth of the strategy) makes it really suitable and easy to learn.

Bomarzo Expansions

Bomarzo has two expansions which can be unlocked by stretch goals: the Worship and Seasons.

The Worship

Those fools of Piccolomini and Cangrande worship all the gods equally, but we, the Colonna House, know more. Only an absolute worship like ours, can unlock the full potential of an obscure deity. We just have to decide to whom to turn our attention: the Giant is strong, but the Goddess is generous.

This expansion provides a new arrow to the bow of players: Worship cards. These cards allow player to choose one or more preferred divinities. Like objectives, they will have to bring them to the first place to score points. Contents: 8 cards.



The deities are majestic and fascinating, attentive and resolute. Sometimes furious and harsh in their refusal. What many underestimate and too often forget is that the gods, in their great power, and perhaps precisely because of this, are fickle and capricious, ready or not to grant their favor for trifles such as hot or cold, wet or dry.

This expansion links the Divinity powers to the Seasons increasing or lowering them. Contents: 12 Season tokens, 4 resuming cards.


The Designer

Stefano Castelli is an Italian programmer, editor and game-designer. He lives in Rome and cooperates with some of the major italian board gaming associations such as La Tana dei Goblin and Ludico Imperio. He has been among the coordinators of the Rome major gaming event GiocaRoma for editions from 2006 to 2011.

Starting august 2008 he become editor-in-chief of Deck & Board the board-game related channel of the italian portal In 2006 he won the Mysteria Game Design contest with his first (print & play) game Nocturno. Since then his career as a game designer is constantly growing: In 2008 he won the Miglior Gioco Inedito (Best Unpublished Game) award at the Lucca Comics & Games 2008 game fair, with his card game Turandot (the game will therefore be published worldwide by daVinci Games and his partners in 2009). In 2013 he publishes COAL, an innovative game carding steampunk, very well evaluated by the public. 


Which language version?

Bomarzo game is language indipendant. All participants will receive the multilanguage game version which included a rulebook in Italian, English, French and German

The rulebook will be also translated in the languages of Giochistarter users which collectively will reach a minimal amount of 1000 euro. In that case the translated rulebook will be available online. If these users will reach the amount of 2000 euro the rulebook will be printed and added to their Bomarzo copy. For example, there are 100 backers from Spain, 30 from Mexico and 10 from Argentina. They represent the Spanish group, so if they collectively backed at least 1000 euro, the Spanish rulebook will be put online on Giochix website; with 2000 euro or more, the Spanish rulebook will be printed.


Why you can trust in Giochix?

Because we produce games from the 2007 and we sold more than 115.000 boardgame copies!

Because we published 29 boardgames, like Historia, CO2, Romolo o Remo, De Vulgari Eloquentia or, for Italy market, Race for the Galaxy, Tiny Epic Kingdoms, Dice Town. 


Because we have and we are trusted by several international partners: Rio Grande Games (US),  Stronghold Games (US), Zman Games (US), Elfinwerks (US), Gamenyl Games (US), Arcana (US), MYBG Co. (CN), Heidelberger Spieleverlag (DE); Lookout Games (DE), Juegamos Games (ES), Black Book Editions (FR), Gigamic (FR), Matagot (FR), Artipia Games (GR), Arclight (JP),  BardCentrum Gier (PL), Lacerta (PL), NSKN Games (RO) and Hobby World (RU). 

Because joining our campaigns you will be guaranteed on several aspects: 

  • On shipping time: we always respected the shipping timing on other campaigns. We are also improving packaging and delivery conditions to make delivery faster for all world wide addresses.
  • On payment: with PayPal you are guaranteed! Paypal protects you and your transactions and if there is any problem it will refund you the money paid.
  • On idea changes: whitin 40 days from the order you can cancel it simply sending us an email. You will be immediately refunded!
  • On information: on your profile, order section, you can follow your order and find all the info available on it. You can also track it if you package has this service. For any problem write us and we will reply asap.  

Payment & Shipment

Payment. You can pay with credit cards, Paypal or by Bank wire transfer. Payments must be made within 10 days from the date of the order or the order will be canceled.

Shipment. Shipping to Italy costs simbolically 1 euro. For USA, Canada and other EU countries it costs 5.95 euro. For other world Countries shipping cost will be shown after clicking "Proceed to checkout” button on the cart. Shop shipping cost depends by order size and it's shown on Shipping cost page.

It’s possible pick-up your copy for free at our stand in Essen Fair (Germany, 6-10 October) or on our stand in Lucca Comics and Games (Italy) or our pickup point in Rome.

Games will be delivered approximately on November 2015. 

Note: We strongly suggest to specify a telephone number in your profile. This helps a lot the game delivery. We will use the address specified in your GS account profile at the shipping date: this means you can change it as you wish whitin the date of shipment.


Important Notes 

Production. Rarely can occur a production delay out of our control and by our actions. For example there may be a technical problem with the tipography, a delay of a supplier, or a problem with the publisher which is directly printing the game (for example when we made an Italian version of an English game).

These facts should be taken into account. Anyway we will notify you promptly if something like that were to happen.

Contents. Game specifications and contents are indicative and can be changed during final production.

Progect pages. Sometime can be there some little variances on the different language project pages on Giochistarter (Italian, French, English, Spanish, German). In that case, refer to the project English page.

Shipments. Depending on the game, we ship by Postal service, Postal service insured or by Courier (UPS/GLS/Bartolini/SDA).

Shipments made by Courier or by Postal service insured can be tracked and are insured. Shipments made by Postal service (not insured) can not be traced and, although it rarely does, it can happen that they delay or are lost. We recommend to those who want to avoid any problem to use the insured option or an alternative method, if available.

We reserve the right to separate the contents of an order in different shipments or to merge the contents of different orders in the same shipment to improve shipment delivery speed and logistic managment. If that happens, there will not be any additional cost for the customer or right to any refund.

Shipments insurance doesn't cover any external damage to the box.

If the game will not be delivered because of your mistake (wrong address, recipient repeatedly absent, do not pick up the package after the passage of the courier, etc.), you will have to pay an additional shipping cost to re-send you the game. This cost will also include the return costs of the game. Otherwise, if we made an error, we will send it again to you at our expense.
If the game gone lost without any fault, we will reship it only if you took insurance option or Courier service.

If you live out of the European Community, customs taxes could be added. This usually doesn't happen for boardgames. Check your Country legislation to be sure about that, ad this aspect is not a our responsability.

We will no longer accept complaints related to this campaign after 12 months of its term.






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