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your imageCoo???? (2015-11-24 15:26:32): Arrived today. Outside box looked like it had been hit by a semi, but i was presently surprised to find the contents were undamaged and in great shape. Thanks for the great game. Am already enjoying it
your imageBuz???? (2015-10-18 10:35:52): Arrived yesterday. Great gameplay. Thanks
your imageMichele Q (2015-10-15 12:52:42): I think you have simply to wait some days more. Postal service is a bit random in timing :-).
Anyway best use contact form to any issue about orders.
your imageLia???? (2015-10-15 12:23:30): The status is set to SEND (2015-10-05) There are a lot of people with the game in Spain. Can you provide me a track number or check the status in delivery agency? My order number is 3930
your imageMichele Q (2015-10-01 07:38:40): Cogee: fixed. Better use contact form for trouble with website. Here we have to talk about Foreign King! :-)
your imageCoo???? (2015-09-29 15:34:36): i used an online translator on the email, it says

Hi Davide!
a user has written a new comment on the game The Foreign King ( aka Belgium 1831) . As you requested you list it .

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my names either Steven or Coogee. Don't understand why i'm getting an email for David from you guys.

My profile is, and always has been set to english. As well as my notifications, well it was until 3 emails ago when i stopped getting english to "coogee" and started getting french emails to "david"
your imageMichele Q (2015-09-29 08:44:45): You can translate comments by google translator on bottom of this page.
Your can choose your email language on your profile.
your imageCoo???? (2015-09-29 08:28:40): i keep getting emails in french. I cannot read them, please alter to english
thank you
your imageMichele Q (2015-09-29 06:31:26): Ci vorrà qualche giorno per terminarle tutte. Pazientate un po' :-)
your imageCom???? (2015-09-29 00:58:45): A me sono in attesa sia questo che Tesla ma partiranno a giorni, bisogna vedere come siamo arrivati nelle varie code. Ricordo una discussione in cui si diceva che spedivano in base a quando uno aveva pledgiato rispetto ad un altro.
Abbiamo aspettato tanto...possiamo aspettare qualche altro giorno :)
your imagetru???? (2015-09-28 23:56:57): A me è stato spedito oggi assieme tesla, viceroy e TEG
your imageFabio L (2015-09-28 23:55:14): A me invece dà "In Attesa"

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